What is an abortion?

Abortion, or the termination of pregnancy, is a procedure done to remove pregnancy tissue, products of conception or the fetus and placenta from the uterus. Pregnancy tissue and products of conception are early tissues produced when a sperm fertilises an egg.

There are different types of abortions, such as:

Medical abortion:

During this procedure, you may be given two types of oral medicine to induce an abortion. You will be given a pill called mifepristone at the consultation. After 24-48 hours, you will be given the second pill called misoprostol. Misoprostol induces uterine contractions, which then will expel the pregnancy tissue. Symptoms may include cramps, bleeding, headaches, sweating and passing small blood clots.

Methotrexate and misoprostol:

This abortion method is normally used during the first seven weeks of your pregnancy. Methotrexate is normally prescribed for cancer patients to stop cancer cells from multiplying. It also helps stop cells in the embryo from multiplying. Misoprostol then makes the uterus contract, which then will expel the pregnancy tissue.

Vacuum aspiration:

This procedure is done during the 12 – 16 week period of the pregnancy. Vacuum aspiration may also be recommended if a medical abortion failed to end a pregnancy. The procedure involves the placenta and fetus being gently sucked out of the uterus.

Dilation and evacuation:

This method is recommended during the second trimester of pregnancy (after 14 weeks). Dilation and evacuation are normally recommended for people who have delayed getting an abortion, or when the fetus has a severe abnormality or a medical problem. The procedure involves a combination of vacuum aspiration, dilation and curettage.

Induction abortion:

This procedure is done during the second trimester and may be recommended if you are 24 weeks pregnant and cannot have the dilation and curettage procedure done. During this procedure, you will be given medicine to put you into labour. Your uterus will contract in order to release the pregnancy. A suction or a curette, a spoon-like instrument, will be used to clean out the uterus.

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Dr Rochelle Vatharajh is a family-friendly Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
based at Netcare Parklands Hospital in Durban.