What are uterine evacuations?
Uterine evacuation is a surgical procedure that is done to remove a pregnancy while you are asleep. This procedure is normally performed between 15 – 24 weeks. There are several medical abortion methods which may involve taking medications and surgical abortions. Surgical abortions are more effective than a medical abortion and lower the risk of incomplete abortion.
There are two types of surgical abortions, namely:
Aspiration abortions:
During the procedure, a tube will be inserted into the cervix through to the uterus, and a suction device will be attached to the tube to empty the uterus. During this procedure, you may feel some cramping which will decrease after the tube has been removed. After the procedure, Dr Vatharajh will check your uterus to ensure that it is empty.
Dilation and evacuation:
This procedure is normally recommended after week 15 of pregnancy. During this procedure, the gynaecologist will give you pain medication and check your uterus. She will then dilate your cervix and insert a tube inside your uterus. The tube is then attached to a suction machine. Other medical instruments may be used alongside the suction machine, to gently empty the uterus.
After the procedure, the tube will be removed, and a small metal loop-shaped surgical tool called a curette will be used to remove any remaining tissues in the uterus wall lining. This is done to ensure that the uterus is emptied.
What can you expect after the procedure?
After the procedure, you will be required to rest. In some cases, some women are able to return to their daily routine the following day. If you are passing blood clots, experiencing heavy bleeding, fever and a foul-smelling discharge, seek immediate medical attention.