What is a laparotomy?

A laparotomy is a type of open abdominal surgery of the abdomen that is performed to examine the abdominal organs. This procedure may be recommended to diagnose and treat several abdominal medical conditions.

When is a laparotomy procedure needed?

Laparotomy may be recommended to diagnose or treat abdominal conditions such as:

  • - Abdominal trauma
  • - Abdominal pain
  • - Internal bleeding
  • - Advanced cancer growth
  • - The spread of endometriosis
  • - Infection in the abdomen
  • - A perforated organ
  • - Inflammation of the lining of the abdomen

Laparotomy may be done for a hysterectomy to remove the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes.

There are different types of incisions that may be made during the laparotomy procedure, namely:

Midline incision:

This is an incision made down the middle of the abdomen, and may run from the upper abdomen to the lower abdomen, depending on which area is affected.

Subcostal incision:

This incision made diagonal across the one side of the upper abdomen. A subcostal incision is normally made to access the gallbladder, liver or the spleen.

Transverse incision:

This is a horizontal incision that causes less damage to the nerves that are responsible for supplying the abdominal muscle with blood.

Pfannenstiel incision:

This is an incision made on the lower abdomen to access the pelvic region. This incision is mostly in cases of an emergency cesarean delivery.

Paramedian incision:

This is a vertical incision which runs to the one side of the midline, in order to access the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Rooftop or chevron:

A subcostal incision may be made of each side of the body, which may meet in the middle of the abdomen to make a rooftop incision.

What does the laparotomy procedure entail?

During the procedure, you will be under general anaesthesia. An incision will be made on your abdomen in order to access the internal organs. The organs will be examined to diagnose any abdominal conditions. If a diagnosis is made, the condition will be treated right away. In some cases, the condition may not be treated immediately; therefore, surgery may be recommended again. After the procedure, the incision will be stitched close.

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Dr Rochelle Vatharajh is a family-friendly Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
based at Netcare Parklands Hospital in Durban.