What is delivery?
Delivery occurs when your baby is ready to be brought into the world. Before delivery, can take place, labour begins. Labour happens in 3 stages that can last for 12 to 24 hours for your first pregnancy. Labour may be shorter for subsequent births.
There are different types of delivery methods such as:

Vaginal delivery
During this delivery method, the baby is delivered through the birth canal. Vaginal delivery is the most common type of childbirth which offers a shorter hospital stay, lowers the risk of infections and promotes quicker recovery. During the process, once your cervix has fully dilated, and you will be asked to push the baby out through the birth canal.
In some circumstances, forceps may be used to cup the baby’s head to help guide him or her through the birth canal. Vacuum delivery may be another way to assist delivery and involves the obstetrician using a plastic cup that is suctioned to the baby’s head. The baby is gently pulled from the birth canal. After giving birth to your baby, the final stage of labour involves delivering your baby’s placenta.

Caesarean delivery
Caesarean delivery, also known as a c-section, is a surgical delivery which involves the baby being delivered through incisions in the abdomen and uterus. A c-section may be recommended due to:
- Certain medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney disease.
- Infections that may be transmitted to your baby during delivery. These infections include HIV and genital herpes.
- Obesity
- You baby being breached, or in the wrong position for delivery.
- The placenta partly or completely blocking the cervical opening.
- Other complications such as pregnancy-induced high blood pressure which can also affect your central nervous system
During a c-section, intravenous lines will be placed in your hand or arm in order to provide fluid and medication. Regional anaesthesia may be administered to numb the lower part of your body. Dr Vatharajh will make an incision on your lower abdomen and your baby will be removed from your womb through the incision. Once the delivery is complete, your wounds will be stitched closed.