


What is pregnancy?

Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilises an egg after it has been released from the ovary during ovulation. During this process, the fertilised egg moves down to the uterus, where it will implant itself, resulting in pregnancy. A normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, which is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period.

What are the early signs of pregnancy?

Before you confirm a pregnancy, you may notice the following signs or symptoms:

  • - Missed period
  • - Headache
  • - Spotting as a result of implantation
  • - Weight gain
  • - Cramps
  • - Swollen breasts
  • - Back pain
  • - Breast changes
  • - Acne
  • - Vomiting

If you are experiencing the above signs, you may take a home pregnancy test or visit Dr Vatharajh to confirm a pregnancy.

Pregnancy weeks are divided into three trimesters, where each trimester has its medical milestones and prenatal care. Prenatal care involves pregnancy education and counselling where physical activity, screening tests, dietary changes and what to expect during labour and delivery is addressed.

First trimester:

This is from conception also called week 1 to week 12. During this phase, you may experience early signs of pregnancy such as a missed period, swollen breasts and weight gain, which may change your daily routine. In this stage, the baby begins to develop the nervous system, major organs begin to form, and the external sex organs begin to show.

Second trimester:

This is week 13 to week 28. Some symptoms, such as morning sickness and fatigue, may lessen or go away completely. Your baby bump will start to show as your abdomen expands. Swelling of the ankles and itchiness on the abdomen may also occur. Your baby continues to grow and may begin to move during this stage.

Third trimester:

This is from week 29 to week 40. This is the final stage of pregnancy, where you may continue to experience discomforts such as swelling ankles, tender breasts, contractions and other symptoms such as shortness of breath and heartburn.

During prenatal check-ups, your health and your baby’s health will be checked. Dr Vatharajh may conduct tests to check the following:

  • - Anaemia
  • - Blood type and Rh factor
  • - Infections
  • - Signs that you are immune to rubella and chickenpox
  • - Birth defects
  • - The overall health of the baby
  • - Gestational diabetes
  • - Fetal distress
  • - Preeclampsia
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Dr Rochelle Vatharajh is a family-friendly Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
based at Netcare Parklands Hospital in Durban.